How to Warranty Your ITeracare Device with Prife International

How to Warranty Your ITeracare Device with Prife International.

If you need to replace your ITeracare Devicedo the following steps. 

1-Contact the Stockist the device was purchased from with the following information:

 2-Email/message them a video of the malfunctioning unit, clearly showing what the issue is and tell them what the problem is. Ensure you can clearly see the serial number in the video.

 3-Submit a copy of the DO and request a replacement.

 4- If the stockist does not replace the device report it to Head Office in the group WhatsApp Chat:


When messaging Head Office please include as much information as possible; DO number, your sponsor ID, Serial Number etc and the specific steps you have already taken to return your device.

Prife International Headquarters email: